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Mass Effect 3 Preorders Leading Mass Effect 2 Preorders

Electronic Arts has confirmed that Mass Effect 3 seems to be making a positive impression when looking at sales figures for pre-orders.  Despite major complaints from core fans of the franchise, and even the game’s story being leaked, gamers are still clamoring for a shot at rounding out the Commander Shepard trilogy.

EA has said that Mass Effect 3 pre-orders are “well ahead” of Mass Effect 2, when measured at the same point of time before launch.  Mass Effect 3 will launch on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on March 6, giving gamers just a week more to wait now.

The publisher is also preparing for a huge marketing campaign to kick in, saying that gamers should expect major TV, film, online and billboard advertising in the coming week.

[Thanks Gamespot] {link no longer active}