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Tron: Legacy DVD Hypes Commodore 64 Relaunch

Synergistically matching the launch of the Tron: Legacy DVD, Disney is also helping with the relaunch of the Commodore and Amiga brands. The new personal computers became available on the same day as the launch of the DVD.

“As Tron: Legacy DVD buyers discovered, the disc case comes with a throwback ad for the Commodore 64 computer, an 8-bit PC that launched in 1982, and a call to action to visit,” writes Abe Sauer.

The store is current taking pre-orders for the retro designed computers. The VIC Slim, Commodore 64 and VIC Pro are available in prices ranging from $395 to $895; Amiga computers are promised to be coming soon.

“Commodore USA is proud to present our cross-promotion with Disney on their Tron Legacy DVD and Blu-ray release, said the company’s site. In 1982, both the original Commodore 64 and Disney’s blockbuster Tron were released. Almost 30 years later, they both simultaneously reappear on April 5, 2011. Commodore USA keyboard computers are on sale now.”

Source: Brand Channel