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What People Are Talking About At SXSW 2016


The South By Southwest Festival (SXSW) has grown even bigger with each passing year, and 2016 promises to be the biggest year yet for the interactive music/film festival. Several new venues are being added to this year’s event, and networking will play a key part, as clients will be able to meet and discuss upcoming projects.

There are several hot topics making the rounds at this year’s show, including the following:

Big Talent

Stars usually come out to SXSW in spades to hype their forthcoming products, ranging from AAA superstars to Internet sensations like Grumpy Cat. President Barack Obama recently hosted the opening keynote (to a huge online audience), and others stars like comedian duo Keegan Michael-Key and Jordan Peele (advertising their new movie Keanu, which screened at the event), Pee-Wee Herman (who is promoting a new Netflix film) and more are in attendance this week.

It’s a who’s who of superstars that will be at the event, and that’ll be good news for social media, as names like Obama and Herman will create tremendous online buzz for the show. Plus, surprise appearances from new stars could emerge from forthcoming shows like Preacher, which debuts on AMC this May behind the season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead–which should be big news for the channel.

The Stream Is the Thing

For those that can’t attend the event, various panels and activities are being livestreamed from the event, including keynotes and particular panels. This is a great way for the community to get involved in what’s happening with the festival. Social media has also seen a tremendous boost from this, with more people talking about what’s happening at the event.

Twitch also has a tremendous showing, partnering with the team at Razer for a variety of activities, including an eSports tournament stage, a free-play Arcade Bunker and an Indie Corner Geek Stage. A good portion of its activities will be streamed as well, so its vast community of gamers can take part.

Popular “Nerd” Channels Are Thriving

SXSW has seen greater exposure across more areas than film and music over the last few years, thanks to big-name partners that stage their own events during the festival.

This year is no exception, as Nerdist is hosting a number of activities based around its TV shows and programming. Other channels following suit are Geek & Sundry, along with other partners like Rooster Teeth and AMC. These showcases also provide an alternate place for attendees to go if they can’t get into the SXSW venue itself, giving great exposure from outside the main event and creating buzz for particular programs, like the highly anticipated Preacher.

Tech Has Major Appeal At SXSW

While CES, which took place earlier this year, was a haven for new technology (like the Internet of Things-related devices and televisions), SXSW is carving its own niche with technological breakthroughs. For instance, Sony is on hand to showcase its new headset technology, which takes away the traditional cup-over-ear design in favor of something more sleek and effective. Other companies at the event include Samsung (showcasing a new app where songs can be identified by humming them), and Paypal (with its interactive app, which synchs up with car service Lyft).

But the show is also an opportunity for up-and-comers to gain buzz with crowds, like the four students from Stanford Center for Design Research who have managed to make one of the show’s hottest draws, a mobile trash can with built-in cameras to record interactions with people. The team showcased its recordings with consumers who see the trash can, with surprisingly positive results.

Virtual Reality Reigns Supreme

With virtual reality ready to make a killing in the market this year between launches of the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR and other headsets, it should be no surprise that it’s managed to gain popularity during this week’s SXSW event. A number of companies are showing interest in the technology, demonstrating its potential across various categories, including music, sports and even adult entertainment.

Fortune recently noted a number of examples that include the following: