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‘Terminator Genisys’ Brings VR To YouTube

Variety has reported that The Terminator, who will be making his return in the forthcoming Terminator Genisys film on July 1st, is the primary focus in a new virtual reality-oriented project now available on YouTube. The film, produced by Lilly Singh (aka Superwoman), is a 360-degree video experience, showing what happens when Arnold Schwarzenegger’s unstoppable robot goes nuts in YouTube’s studio. The video works in conjunction with Google’s Cardboard virtual reality viewer, and can be seen below.


This is the latest move by YouTube to settle into virtual reality space, as it previously added support for VR-related videos to its site earlier this month. Within its mobile apps, users are able to press a small button to access these videos right off the bat, whether they’re using the Cardboard headset or another virtual reality-type set-up.

Will other film studios step up and produce similar virtual reality-type projects It’s certainly catching on. Last year, at San Diego Comic-Con, various studios utilized Oculus Rift for interactive demonstrations, including tie-ins with films like Pacific Rim, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Into the Storm.

One thing’s for sure – the Terminator is back (just like he said he’d be). The newest trailer for Genisys can be found below.