The mobile livestreaming space has been heating up this year, with Perisocpe and Meerkat getting traction while other apps like Mobcrush and Kamcord focus on gaming. Now Japan’s mobile game giant DeNA is entering the mobile livestreaming business with Mirrativ, its Android app that streams any game or app on your device.
The great benefit of Mirrativ is that it does away with cables or attachments to PCs in order to stream just three clicks and you’re sending whatever’s on your Anrdoid device screen to the world. Broadcasters can also add their face or voice to the stream with use of the front-facing camera. Unlike some other streaming apps, Mirrativ isn’t limited to pre-selected apps it just takes whatever’s on the screen and broadcasts it.
DeNA told TechCrunch that an iOS version is coming soon, but that will be limited to watch streams and not broadcasting them. TechCrunch opines that DeNA may have run into problems trying to livestream on iOS, though the introduction of iOS 9 with its ReplayKit API may well make that possible for developers to implement.
Mirrativ is available now in a limited beta before the full launch next month. With its ease of setup (it takes just seconds to get a broadcast going once you are set up, according to VentureBeat‘s hands-on experience), Mirrativ could give Periscope and Meerkat some interesting competition, especially by being able to put your own face and voice on top of what you are streaming. One lack right now, though, is there’s no easy way to capture what you’re streaming hopefully that capability will be added in the future, which would make this extremely useful indeed to all sorts of users.
Mirrativ and other livestreaming apps on mobile will no doubt drive video on mobile even further into becoming a common part of the mobile experience.