Gamers that aren’t too fond of particular game cover designs can now do something about it – by encasing them in special book covers that give them more of an artistic, book-like quality.

A New York-based Etsy shop run by JamesBit is offering a number of custom video game covers that look like books, complete with the name of the game title, the publisher, and a JamesBit books logo. They look good for any given game library, and vary in colors depending on what type of content the game possesses.

For instance, with Bioshock, it’s a bit grey-ish, indicating the dreary world you have to run through in the game. Red Dead Redemption, however, has a bright red cover resembling a bit of the Wild West.

You can order these covers for $6 apiece. Visit the store at the link below. They’re sold out at the moment, but more will be in stock soon.

Source: Etsy