Cliff Bleszinski recently started thinking out loud in the form of tweets about the Saints Row franchise. The series and its developer, Volition, are now owned by Koch Media, acquired at auction after the bankruptcy of THQ.

“Keep the crazy action and game mechanics. Lose the gimps and dildos and purple suits,” tweeted Bleszinski. “If your average guy is embarrassed to be playing a sequence in a game when his wife walks in that’s a bad sign. The SR team is amazing. Dildo holds them back. It’s immature. Make an open world game that’s more Michael Mann/HEAT/Collateral/Training Day.”
“The SR team is one of the few that could actually give GTA a run for their money. BF didn’t go after COD by putting dicks on their guns. Game mechanic wise I found SR3 to be more fun than many recent GTA games. Controls, pacing, etc . . . are all great. “ he continued. “Yes, I think the dildo is hilarious. (I also had a big dildo as a prop in our wedding’s photo booth.) It doesn’t help industry perceptions. Once you put a dildo in your game it doesn’t matter if your controls, pacing, graphics are all great. You’re ‘that game with the dildo.’
Some may wonder if the advice on “industry perceptions” is hypocritical, given Bleszinski’s track record with violent games like Gears of War and Bulletstorm, though he had a tweet for that too, writing playfully, “If you throw my mistakes in my career in my face as a way of saying I can’t make suggestions about other games I will block you.”
“I wish the best of luck to all of the amazing talent that’s been on the crazy ride that was THQ and hope they all land on their feet,” he concluded.