It’s quite easy to get caught up in PC game sales, between the Humble Bundle packages and Steam’s holiday sales, among other offers. But how many of those games do people actually play after buying them Surprisingly, more than you might think.
A survey conducted by Famous Aspect that spanned across 1,400 active players revealed a number of interesting statistics. 79 percent feel they enjoy getting a great deal through numerous sites, with 60 percent immediately jumping on any sales that they find.
However, out of those surveyed, those who purchased 11-25 games in the past year have not gotten around to playing 40 percent of them, simply leaving them untouched in their game libraries. As a result, 30 percent of these gamers have approximately 50 or more of these titles sitting in an unused “pile of shame.”
Meanwhile, out of those surveyed, only 20 percent of those customers purchase games at full price – which says a lot when it comes to impulse purchases.
Source: Kotaku