King Digital is putting a huge marketing push behind its new mobile game Candy Crush Soda Saga, complete with television advertising and a devoted Facebook video campaign. Both have generated impressive results, and the Facebook ad have drummed up an incredible 100 million viewers within the first 24 hours of its release, with 70 percent of those viewers on a mobile device.
King Digital is no stranger to advertising on Facebook, as previous branded videos have reached out to both male and female audiences across seven countries including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Brazil, Australia and the United Kingdom, in partnership with Facebook’s Creative Shop. Regardless, the numbers behind Saga‘s campaign are incredibly impressive.
“For the first time King used premium video ads on Facebook to generate excitement for a game. Candy Crush is a beloved franchise and we were able to tell the story to millions of people.” Angus Lovitt, VP Performance Marketing for King.
“Producing the Candy Crush Soda Saga launch films with King and WCRS was creatively rewarding. When you create a mobile video, you need to bring your story to life in a matter of seconds. Brands that are built across mobile screens need thumb-stopping creative, and that is exactly what our teams produced.” — Rob Newlan, Regional Director, Facebook Creative Shop.
Other mobile game companies are expanding their marketing efforts in video, such as the the recently launched $40 TV ad campaign for Machine Zone’s Game of War: Fire Age. Companies with both mobile version and a Facebook version of a game, such as King, can see greater synergy between Facebook video, TV ads, and game installs on both mobile and Facebook.
This is just the latest success for Facebook’s video service. The company has reported that a billion video views a day have been registered on the site since June, with two-thirds of the audience coming exclusively from mobile devices. Facebook also continues to add new content monthly, with over 100 million new videos added. As a result, video views have managed to grow over 50 percent since May of this year – and clips like the one from King are likely to keep them on the rise.