GREE has always been successful at making accessible online games for all types of players. However, very few know how instrumental events have been at increasing their games’ popularity, particularly the action-packed Modern War.
GREE has posted the following infographic that shows just how successful its mobile game is. With over 330,000 factions formed to date and 1.4 million battles a year, combined with live events to help bring even more gamers into the fray, the company has seen a revenue boost of 600 percent — a whopping number, even compared to more popular mobile online games.
The game, which has been out since 2011, has increased its number of players since the start of the live events in January. Five million player versus player matches have been recorded each day, an unprecedented number when it comes to gathering gamers.
Here’s hoping GREE’s success continues. Sequel, perhaps?
Source: GamesIndustry International