With Pokémon X and Y due for release next month, The Pokémon Company is ramping up all sorts of promotions for the 3DS games. Included in that is a new program called the Pokémon Bank, which is a downloadable app for the 3DS.

With this app, players will be able to store Pokémon in online boxes – with a total of 100, allowing for the storage of 3,000 Pokémon characters in all. Players can then access their library without having to worry about system storage, since it uses online-based cloud services. In addition, players of Pokémon Black & White 1 and 2 can transfer their characters over with ease, using the poke Transporter.

The service will require players to pay an annual fee, with the Japanese version going for $5. No word yet on U.S. and European costs, but it’s likely to be the same.

Source: Kotaku