Mobile apps made by retailers are great to have on hand when users are seeking information and checking up other details that could lead to a purchase. However, when it comes to actually buying something, there’s a different story at play.

A new report from a March 2014 polling by Forrester Consulting (commissioned by Tapjoy) shows that more than one-third of US smartphone users like using a retail app on a weekly basis. However, according to a June 2014 poll by 451 Research, they’re not being used for purchases.
With the study, it’s been learned that only one-quarter of these phone users actually make a purchase through these retail applications.
Furthermore, the weight of those not interested in buying items through the apps compared to those who are is much greater. 54 percent of those polled have no interest in making purchases that way, while one-fifth believe that there is some interest.
However, keep in mind that not all applications available provide the option of an online purchase. A March 2014 report by L2 Think Thank indicates that only 16 percent of the applications studied — amongst US retail and consumer brands — provide the option to make a purchase.

Another study by the e-tailing group looked at mobile features within these retail apps for further details. 31 percent offer some form of iPhone application, while 25 percent offer both an application for Android and iPad. Meanwhile, 14 percent utilize other resources, and 6 percent aim for the BlackBerry audience.
Security could have something to do with these findings, with recent data leaks by Target and Home Depot over the past few months that have left people wondering just what aspects of purchases are safe. That could lead them to making purchases in stores instead, even if they’re still using the same credit card information they could have over the app.
Again, not every retailer is grasping the process of utilizing in-app purchases for goods, even though some, like Best Buy, provide a local pick-up option out of convenience, rather than home delivery.
What do you think Would you make a purchase through an application if you had the chance, or stick with a good old-fashioned in-store purchase
Source: eMarketer