The Adobe Summit 2016 kicks off this week in Las Vegas, with sessions, labs and workshops that focus on the very best in digital marketing. It can be quite a lot to take in, but those attending will come away with a stronger understanding of tools and trends for consumer outreach. Here are five things attendees should keep in mind this week:
There’s something for every kind of marketer
Through its vertical industry sessions, the Adobe Summit will offer something to each kind of marketer. These include a number of distinctive groups, such as high-tech, B2B, financial services, media, entertainment, travel, hospitality, retail and eCommerce.
Each one covers a number of different strategies, such as understanding profiles and audiences, enrollment into digital and mobile media markets, and “super sessions” that cover everything from finding viable content “everywhere all the time” to digital transformation for financial services. There’s plenty to find for almost every specialty.
You don’t have to be there to attend
The Adobe Summit will provide the opportunity to catch most of the sessions online, particularly the two primary keynotes: “Becoming an Experience Business,” which takes place on Tuesday, and “Inspiring Experience Through Creativity” on Wednesday.
Although these sessions run anywhere from two-to-three apiece, they have a huge amount of information, with speakers from both Adobe and other marketing industry circles. Conference sessions will also be available over the course of the week, for those that want to learn more about mastering their trade.
Watch for top guest speakers
The roster of speakers featured at this year’s Adobe Summit have their fair share of experience across a number of fields. Walter Levitt, the chief marketing officer of Comedy Central, has his own take on marketing, unique to that of, say, McDonald’s USA’s chief marketing officer Deborah Wahl.
Even top-notch talent, like actor George Clooney, performer Donny Osmond and actor Thomas Middlehitch are attending to discuss how effective marketing is for their lifestyles. Their presentations should be just as informative as more business-oriented ones.
No matter which sessions users choose to attend, they’ll be provided plenty of information that will be vital when it comes to their own business.
Have fun with it
The Adobe Summit is also an ideal social opportunity. It’s a chance to talk amidst marketing peers to see what they might have learned from the show, or what hot topics they recommend.
There’s no better opportunity to do this than with the Summit Bash, which provides the chance to talk with one another over food and drink before Weezer takes the stage for a performance.
New strategies can easily be adopted
With a summit as big as Adobe’s, there’s often an opportunity to learn something new.
For example, Acquity Group posted a huge infographic based on what it learned at last year’s summit, and it’s quite a bit. The company accepted several facts that have managed to open some eyes in terms of how marketing comes together. For instance, 90 percent of daily transactions are digital, with 65 percent done through mobile devices.