All sorts of companies are feeding the need for emoji as of late. Taco Bell ran a branded (and delicious) campaign featuring the images; Star Wars recently employed a successful run of branded emoji on Twitter; and this weekend’s release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has its own share of images.
Now, Grubhub is getting in on the action, but instead of just creating its own food-related emoji, it’s taking popular eating terms on the web and turning them into images.
The company recently announced that it has teamed up with Snaps to create the Mmmoji keyboard app. There are over 50 different terms available, and they include “hangry,” “hot,” “tasty,” “delish” and “fresh.” In addition, users will be able to share images, such as spicy jalapeños and peppers, over social media.
“Grubhub aims to bring joy to all the moments that matter to our diners, on days of significance and those that are part of the everyday,” said Barbara Martin Coppola, CMO of the company.
This news comes hot on the heels of a new report revealed by VentureBeat, indicating that mobile marketers are heavily into promotion with emoji. The report states that use of the images have increased by nearly eight times (or 775 percent) over the previous year. And it’s not stopping anytime soon, as monthly usage shows a boost by 20 percent since 2016 got started.
Over five billion emoji-used messages came from clients over the past year. That’s a whole lot of happy faces.
So it makes sense that Grubhub wants to get in on the emoji action, and it’s working, because we’re certainly getting “hangry.”