If App Annie’s latest report for January indicates anything, it’s that games with guns definitely went boom on the mobile market last month.
VentureBeat has reported that a number of mobile publishers found great success with their action-oriented games, namely Supercell with its Boom Beach.
Thanks to a lucrative TV advertising campaign (similar to that of Clash of Clans, but obviously without the Liam Neeson appearance), the game managed to rise five places on the charts and enter into the top ten for revenue for both the Apple App Store and Google Play, according to App Annie. Most of this drive came from U.S. consumers, who found appeal in Boom Beach‘s style of play – as well as its action.
“The strategic war game’s rise on both iOS and Google Play coincided with a strong marketing push from Supercell, who spent heavily on national TV ads promoting the game in the United States,” said the report.
Supercell has wasted no time earning its spot in the mobile market, securing a decent amount from the $21 billion global haul it took in back in 2014. The company has no trouble with leading the charge on the revenue charts for both iOS and Android, between Boom Beach, Clash of Clans and farming simulator Hay Day, which is doing impressively well in its own right. All three games are positioned in the top ten – and intend to stay there.
“It’s interesting to see Supercell continue investing in games outside of their main cash cow, Clash of Clans,” said App Annie’s report.
And the investment isn’t likely to stop here, as the company is sure to experiment with a few new ideas for 2015, while keeping its support for its existing franchises going strong – especially after the boost it got from the well-received Super Bowl ad featuring actor Neeson, which you can view below.