Our age of social networking creates a new reality for brands, as consumers are now able to voice praise — or discontent — for companies and their products more effectively than ever.
It’s with this knowledge in hand that mobile platform Braineet steps into the picture, working to enable the general public to share clever ideas and insight with their favorite brands.
Braineet, a social networking startup founded by Jonathan Livescault and supported by French entrepreneurs Xavier Niel, Marc Simoncini, and Jacques-Antoine Granjon, aims to function as a place for consumers to give feedback on products; consumers can share their own ideas while discovering compelling information for themselves. The goal is to reward the public for speaking their mind while allowing brands to garner a greater understanding of their target market’s needs, concerns, and wishes.
The Braineet app functions like a Twitter-esque network. Users, nicknamed “Brainees”, post 140-character questions automatically prefaced with a “What if ”; a one-click interface allows them to easily connect with friends and stay in the loop about their favorite brands. “Like”, “dislike”, and “comment” buttons permit “Brainees” to shape discussion about brands and their ideas and initiatives.
The key to Braineet’s success, of course, is whether or not brands can be convinced to take part in their system. Braineet themselves say they are meeting with more than 30 major brands in coming weeks to take advantage of their service’s fast-growing userbase.
Increasingly strict changes from established social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn for brands unwilling to pay to “boost” their posts leave a clear opening for a more egalitarian platform. Braineet would like to seize that opening for themselves and carry it to success for companies and their audiences.