When it comes to the popularity of certain apps, millennials certainly have no problem dealing the cards – or being social, for that matter.
A new report from comScore indicates that a number of social apps are amongst the most popular used for those 18 and over, starting with Facebook at 115.4 million, followed by YouTube with 83.4 million and Google Play with 72.2 million. That’s visitors clocked for the month of June 2014, according to a report.
Other companies had no problem making the list as well, including Pandora with 69 million, Google Maps with 64.5 million, Gmail with 60.3 million and Instagram with 46.6 million.
Surprisingly lower on the list are Twitter with 34.7 million, Netflix with 27.6 million, Snapchat with 26.5 million and Skype with 18.8 million. Still, those numbers aren’t too shabby, especially when being used by millennials in a certain age group.
Apps aren’t the only thing that are quite popular with the group. Games continue to be a part of their social activity as well, whether they’re dealing cards in a classic game of Solitaire or playing along with their colleagues in a seasoned game of Words With Friends. While no games actually made it into the top 25 list overall, they’re still clocking in a strong audience, with certain titles reaching 10 million unique visitors.
Out of all the apps featured, Netflix seems to be the top one requiring a subscription, as its 28 million unique visitors actually represent more than 75 percent of its U.S. streaming subscriber base. That’s including trial members.
The full list can be found here, and the statistics are certainly startling – and show that millennials aren’t going anywhere when it comes to social use. Other age groups count as well, but this appears to be the strongest audience out of those polled.
Source: QZ.com, The Atlantic