Apple has released their iOS 4.2 for iOS devices. This will give the iPad multitasking, folders and Game Center.
“iOS 4.2 makes the iPad a completely new product, just in time for the holiday season, Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said. “Once again, the iPad with iOS 4.2 will define the target that other tablets will aspire to, but very few, if any, will ever be able to hit.”
Another new feature is AirPlay, which will let users stream music from an iOS device to Apple TV and using AirPlay and AirPort Express, music can be streamed directly to a stereo system. AirPrint also allows wireless printing directors to be sent directly to certain HP printers.
The Find My iPhone app is a free download and lets users find a device on a map and even remotely lock or wipe data. Also, iPad users have the ability to rent TV episodes directly using the iTunes App with a 30 day viewing window and a 48 hour session window once playback is started.