Former member of BioWare and Balder’s Gate developer Trent Oster thinks that negative fan reaction to games like Dragon Age II, Mass Effect 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic may have pushed Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk out of the industry. Oster said that Zeschuk was exhausted the last time he saw him.

“The last time I met up with [Greg], I felt his exhaustion,” explained Oster. “‘Punch out, eject, get the hell out’, was my suggestions to him and it hit closer to the mark than I had realized. I also think the Mass Effect 3 fan reaction and the Old Republic fan’s negativity was just too much. You have to love games and you put your heart into them to create them. To have the fans creating petitions against the work is pretty hard to take, especially when you’ve spent the last few years crunching overtime to try and ship a game. It can be hard to shut off the overwhelming negativity the internet spews forth, especially when it has your name or the name of your company in it.”

Ray Muzyka responded indirectly on Twitter, saying, “I respect/revere fans, because they speak with deep, honest passion.”
