Recently, Dragon Age Executive Producer Mark Darrah confirmed that there will be no more digital content for Dragon Age II and that the company reached out to the fans. At PAX East, a panel about the franchise was held, and now the company is looking for more open dialog on the issue “ to foster the spirit of community.”

“Beginning today, we’ll do a series of questions and discussions around Dragon Age,” wrote Jessica Merizan, BioWare community head. “Consider this a conversation between fans, the community team, and the developers. Everyone at BioWare is incredibly excited about the future of the franchise but we’re interested in what you have to say. Every month, we will discuss a topic or question about Dragon Age and game development. You will have one week to post your thoughts, desires, and hopes before we close the thread for review. Moderators and developers will pop into the thread to chat every now and again, so keep an eye out.”

She noted that this discussion extends beyond the context of future games. Other Dragon Age products could include anything from novels and comics to animated features and pen and paper RPGs.

“However, it’s worth reminding that we’re not making promises, we’re talking about ideas. We won’t guarantee that things we discuss will materialize and we’re not showing anything until we’re ready. And as a last bit of housekeeping, the purpose of these exercises isn’t crowd sourcing or soliciting your game dev concepts (keep those close in case you want to make a game someday!). This should remain a discussion between BioWare and fans about what you loved about Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2—what this franchise means to you,” noted Merizan. “BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka has mentioned that we’d like to open up more in future Dragon Age titles, so now we turn to you: What kinds of things would you like to learn more about Antivan weddings Orlesian balls The remnants of the Tevinter empire Burial customs among the Chaisind What kinds of things would you like to discover and learn about the Dragon Age world ”

To give feedback on what you want out of Dragon Age, post a comment in the BioWare forum.
