With constant fear of identity theft, sharing information is still a sizable concern with a plethora of consumers. That may explain why some are a little unsure about sharing it with marketers.
A recent study conducted by Syniverse (per Fortune) indicates that 75 percent of consumers polled stated that they don’t trust brands, even those that are well-known, with their information. What’s more, 55 percent have stated that their trust has been betrayed in one form or another.
Concern isn’t limited to the United States, as the poll was conducted across international markets that include Brazil, Britain and South Korea.
“The assumption is that end users will willingly share personal data in return for personalized services,” the report indicates. “But it looks like this assumption is wrong.”
That may explain the recent rise in ad-blocking services, both across desktop and mobile devices, as consumers look to keep their information secure.
The survey also points out that half of those polled have lost faith in mobile telecommunication operators to keep their data safe and use it responsibly, again bringing up potential security issues.
Only 14 percent of consumers stated they wanted to share information like location and interactions, while 30 percent said they weren’t willing to share any personal information whatsoever.
“Retailers, hoteliers, financial institutions and mobile operators need to rethink their approach to harvesting, managing and using private data,” the report concluded.