Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert managed to raise $3,335,265 from 87,138 backers for their adventure game Kickstarter, inspiring other developers to go the same route. Both think this does not portend well for big publishers.
“I’m a little scared, well, for them, because I see a lot of resistance to it. ‘Well, that’s someone else’s business – we don’t want to be in a race to zero,’ or something like that,” said Schafer. “I think they’re going to see a lot of migration from developers and fans to more open environments like that, for sure.”
“I think [publishers] are going have to [change the way they interact with players] because the world is changing and small developers are getting these personal relationships with their fans and people that play the games, and I think the really big publishers need to embrace that or they’re really gonna miss this whole kind of revolution that’s happening right now,” added Gilbert.
Source: Gamefront