Reports are that E3 organizers ESA is displeased with plans to remodel the Los Angeles Convention Center to make room for a new sports complex called Farmers Field on the current site of the West Hall of the convention center. With floor space always at a premium at E3, there’s talk that E3 could relocate to San Francisco, New York, Chicago or New Orleans since the ESA is not committed to the L.A. Convention center after this year.

“We’re still in discussions with the city of Los Angeles,” said ESA president Michael Gallagher, “but we have a number of issues that still need to be resolved. If we can’t resolve them, we are preparing to go elsewhere.”

“We need assurances on things like square footage, the quality of the space, the ease of loading and unloading equipment, signage throughout the convention center for marketing and sponsorships,” added Gallagher. “We love being in Los Angeles, but we also have a show to put on.”

Source: L.A. Times