When most folks sit down to play fighting games like Street Fighter IV or Mortal Kombat, they use a conventional game controller to execute special moves and beat their opponents. However, for the Wii U, a development team has a new concept on how its fighting game will work with Fighter Attitude – through gestures.

Jorge Mijangos, a member of the Kaveluza team, explained that Nintendo has accepted the team for game development, and it’s hard at work on Attitude’s unconventional control style, which will use the system’s Gamepad to execute moves in certain ways.


Originally released for mobile devices, Attitude is similar in set-up to EA Sports’ Fight Night series, where players will use swipes and flicks to determine how on-screen actions work, instead of just hitting a button. This means swiping up for a punch or some other special attack, and moving a different way to try something else. This introduces a new kind of skill set that everyone – not just fighting masters – can get into.

There’s no word on release yet, but don’t be surprised if Fighter Attitude knocks its way to the eShop sometime in 2014.

Source: Cinema Blend