While the game Lost Planet 2 is currently slated for release on May 11, the screenplay for the movie is moving along as well, according to producer Avi Arad. David Hayter has written up several drafts of the script, having previously done screenwriting work for Watchmen, X-Men and having voiced Solid Snake for the Metal Gear Solid series.

“We never come at it with the intention of stomping all over the core audience,” said Arad. “We want to express all of the ideas from these games in a way that someone unfamiliar with them can understand and enjoy as much as the most diehard fan.”

The script right now is similar to the plot of the game, but focuses on Gale Holden, father of main character Wayne. Gale was an early casualty in the game, but the plot of the movie will apparently give him greater priority.

Source: IndustryGamers