Right now, updates to console games have to go through a lengthy certification process in order to receive online updates. However, with free updates coming consistently to iOS games, Donald Mustard, creative director of Infinity Blade developer Chair Entertainment, thinks quicker, user-driven updates are an “inevitably” for console games.

“The ability to put in new content and adjust quickly to what the market’s doing is key… I think that the [console] market will demand it, and that’s inevitable at this point,” said Mustard. “I think that the things that are happening in the social space and the handheld space are going to completely change the way we look at console games moving forward.”

“I think in five years the console games will look very, very different than they do now, and it will be because of the work that’s happening in these spaces and the agile — I think ‘agile’ is probably the right word — just the agile way that the market’s developing,” he added.

Source: Gamasutra