Kabam has announced it is launching Kabam Publishing. This new business unit is designed to bring to third-party game developers the same technology platform and marketing tools that Kabam uses.

“Game developers around the world recognize that Kabam customers are among the most enthusiastic free-to-play gamer. On a per-player basis, Kabam monetizes games at eight times the rate of other companies. We have and will continue to hand select extremely compelling games that our players truly enjoy,” said Amit Ranade, president of Kabam Publishing before adding, “Kabam also has one of the industry’s most sophisticated performance marketing operations. We know how to drive discovery, engagement, and monetization of games arguably better than anyone else in the industry.”

Kabam has already worked with third-parties on movie licensed projects such as The Hobbit, The Godfather and upcoming Fast and Furious 6. Kabam Publishing has 15 partners in place, including Reality Squared Games in China, 5th Planet Games in California and Venan Games in Connecticut, with as many as 50 third-party games expected by the end of the year.