Kevin Butler has taken some comical digs at the competition in a couple of viral sites. On and it’s detailed how the move is superior to the competition’s motion controllers in Kevin Butler’s own imitable style.
“See what you did there You clicked it,” reads the site. “It turns out that buttons are really important. Not like ‘save the whales’ important. More likes ‘not play games that suck’ important. Cuz they help you . . . control stuff. Controller. Control. Kinds makes sense.”

“Some people don’t think you need buttons. WHAT! Craziness. Could you imagine gaming without buttons. Where would the control come from You couldn’t snipe. Couldn’t fire any sort of weapon at all, really. Unless you turn your fingers into a gun. Pew! Pew! What are we, mimes Buttons can do anything. Get you a turbo boost. Enter secret cheat codes,” it continues. “Did you know that the button was invented by Edison And that guy was smart. I bet he knew that buttons would be great for gaming. It’s not even just about fun. Pause. That’s a pretty important function right there. Especially when you get as phone call.”
“I know what you’re thinking.’What if I could just shout pause .'” it added. “Without a button. Great idea! Because there’s no way that could backfire. Imagine. You’re boxing. Your friend’s passing by. He wants to mess with you. Cause he’s sometimes a jerk like that. He shouts ‘pause’. Tragic. Buttons! They keep the control in your hand.”