Fight My Monster has signed a licensing and merchandising deal with Dimensional Branding Group and Striker Entertainment. Targeting young boys, Fight My Monster has over 1.3 million players in the U.K. and the U.S.
“We have witnessed firsthand the power of the digital revolution, particularly when it comes to the introduction of new intellectual property and the impact that property can have on pop culture and ultimately consumer products,” said Russell Binder, president of Striker Entertainment. “Retailers and marketers are embracing the platform that gives their consumers 24/7 access to their favorite content and Fight My Monster is quickly becoming one of those dynamic properties.”
“Fight My Monster has the digital DNA required to become an evergreen property that is successful on multiple platforms including consumer products,” added John Leonhardt, president of DBG. “The Fight My Monster team has a dynamic and original property and we look forward to extending the brand globally with them.”