Halo is one of the most recognizable brands in gaming and it;s the cornerstone upon which the entire Xbox business has been built, so you can bet that even with Bungie out of the picture, Microsoft is going to be very careful in how they carry the franchise forward. 343 Industries’ Frank O’Connor recently discussed the future of Halo and what the next game projects will entail.

“We’re definitely putting a lot of very careful thought into future game projects. We’re building a very large, very talented team, and we’re doing an awful lot of planning,” he explained. “But other than that, really our focus, and this is literally true, is making sure that Reach is well-tended, and cultivated, and taken care of. Because these games have a long life, right And the multiplayer equal system is a vital part of that, and so that’s our main technical task for this year.”

“And I think that our main high-level task this year is to celebrate ten years of Halo with our fans, and we’re going to be doing a lot of things to celebrate that, and there’s going to be a lot of cool surprises in this year, and we just want to have a celebratory atmosphere. Even as that baton is passed, and that torch is passed, we want to make sure it’s a happy year, and there’s still a lot to talk about.”

Source: Gamasutra