Consoles are the ultimate goal of some developers, though with success online PCs success, others are less interested with the increased development time that comes with such releases. While Mind Candy founder Michael Acton Smith is somewhat interested in console versions of Moshi Monsters, he’s not exactly rushing to do it.

“We are dipping our toe in the water with the DS, yes, and we think that’s the perfect platform for our audience to try, and if that works well then I think we’ll look at other areas as well. Maybe the Wii or the Kinect,” he explained. “But with my commercial hat on, it’s just not quite as exciting as building an online game. The development cycles are long, the upfront risk is high, the returns just don’t seem that attractive, there’s a lot of other partners that would be involved, so there’s just more headache and more uncertainty involved than creating our own game where we’re developer and publisher, where we have a direct relationship with the end audience, where we make 90 per cent less gross margins etcetera etcetera.”

However, he added, “We need to be everywhere that our audience wants us, and that does mean console, and magazines and books.”
