Minecraft has been available as a “complete” title since November 2011, and yet the incredibly popular block-themed game is showing no signs of slowing down. On the PC alone, it’s been announced that the game has now passed 10 million sold.
Mojang’s lead designer and developer Jens Bergensten tweeted the news, while also linking to a picture of a woman stroking a horse, likely hinting at an upcoming feature that Minecraft will see with the 1.6 update.
Mojang has been incredibly successful thanks to Minecraft. Last year, the Swedish company generated around $240 million in revenues from selling 15 mlllion units across various platforms as well as from lucrative licensing deals. Just goes to show how powerful a strong brand and a solid game idea can go. Now Mojang is looking to expand with a series of Minecraft books and a family-oriented subscription service.