Nonstop Games, a Singaporean-Finnish gaming company has received $2.9 million from Creandum and Lifeline Ventures. The company’s CEO, Juha Paananen, previously ran Asia-Pacific business development for Nokia out of Singapore and is brother of Ilkka Paananen, CEO of Supercell.

“Supercell is a good target for success,” Juha Paananen said. “When we pass them on the top list, I’ll send my brother a note.”

The company, which used to be known as GamesMadeMe, was working on HTML5 titles but is now shifting to mobile. “It’s never that black and white,” Paananen said. “The press wants to paint it as you have to go either native or HTML5. HTML5 might happen at some point but realistically, the app stores remain the main distribution channel at the moment.”
