According to a statement by Apple, their Ping service has attracted over one million users within a couple days of launching. This number represents over a third of those that have downloaded iTunes 10.
Of course, that hasn’t stopped various bloggers from teeing off on the service. “It is fundamentally flawed because it doesn’t interact with your iTunes music collection,” writes Business Insider’s Jay Yarrow. “Without the ability to actually to actually tell our friends what we’re listening to, Ping is a pretty useless service. Without the ability to listen to all our music through Ping, like we once did with Lala, the service is decidedly weak.”
TechCrunch’s Erick Schonfeld also notes that the service is entirely iTunes-dependent. “And Ping doesn’t communicate with any other social networks,” writes Schonfeld. “I can’t see people’s iTunes Pings in Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else. While Ping does make iTunes itself more social, the problem is that I don’t live in iTunes. It is a store. I go in to buy stuff and get out as fast as I can.”
Facebook integration was initially in the cards, but it was canceled after Facebook denied Apple the right to use its APIs.
Source: PC Mag