If you’ve been looking for a way to scan rooms, objects and more, your options are quite limited and expensive at the moment. That could change, though, thanks to the Structure Sensor.

A company called Occipital has launched a new KickStarter project for this 3D sensor, which works directly with Apple’s iPad line. Using it, “you can walk around the world and instantly capture it in a digital form,” according to the listing. “This means you can capture 3D maps of indoor spaces and have every measurement in your pocket. You can instantly capture 3D models of objects and people for import into CAD and for 3D printing. You can play mind-blowing augmented reality games where the real world is your gaming world.”

Our camera is actually axially aligned with the built-in camera,” said Jeff Powers, the founder of Occipital. “That’s important because we’re fusing the data from those two sensors. We’re also fusing the gyro and accelerometer that’s on board. In the iPad, you kind of have the rest of the story, but it was missing this active 3D sensing.”

This project should have no problem taking off. With 44 days still to go on the Kickstarter project, it’s already reached nearly double its initial goal, with over $196,000 raised and climbing. No doubt that Occipital will put those extra funds to good use, to make sure this scanner is top-of-the-line.

There’s no word on a launch date for the device, but we should know more in 2014.

Source: Kickstarter