The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a vast game to explore and has area that is even vaster to look at. Players have noticed that Morrowind’s Solstheim and Vvardfell as well as Cyrodiil’s Imperial City (from the previous two Elder Scrolls games) are visible in the game as well.
Some speculated that their inclusion was a prelude to to future DLC. However, according to Bethsoft’s Todd Howard, for now “the story is they are there.”
“The reason they are there – and I will not say if we are or are not using them in the future – is when we first built the landmass for Skyrim we knew we were going to have these tall mountains,” said Howard. “And what can you see see We have views early in the project where you can see into the [neighboring] province from the other game. We needed to have something [there].”
“It’s not high detail,” he acknowledged. “If you walk there, from a distance it’s…yeah, the stuff is there. And the thinking is, maybe we’ll use it one day, but our larger worry was, I’m going to climb up on top of a mountain and look that way: what will I be able to see there We try to cover all those angles as much as we can.”
That’s not a denial of future DLC, but for now it’s mere speculation about the many directions that Bethsoft could go with the game.
Source: Kotaku