Sony is looking to spend 750,000 British Pounds during launch week. With purchases on major television shows like Big Brother, X-Factor and the Premier League, the total is expected to exceed 2 million British Pounds by Christmas.
It is about creating that massive event spike during the launch week, pushing it out to new audiences and continuing on last year’s The Game Is Just The Start campaign, said Sony’s U.K. marketing manager Adam Boita. Pre-orders are always important, but Move is not necessarily a pre-order product. It s not like Halo or World of Warcraft expansions, where people want to get hold of it day one. It is an evergreen product. And whereas pre-orders are very important, it is not necessarily the key focus.
There will be a retail tour in the U.K. running through Halloween, with EyePet, Start The Party, Kung Fu Rider and Sports Champions expected to lift the platform. Also, a large truck will make appearnces at major shopping centers to train staff how to promote the product, and a Move website has been set up for retail employees.
All the retailers have got on board with it and really appreciate that we are making this effort to go around the country, get them involved, and encourage their store staff to get hands on the product, said trade marketing manager Richard Ives. It is no small effort for us to get this 40ft truck manned and around. But we think it is invaluable and gets retail on board, not just with Move but also 3D, sowing the seeds of those new elements that are coming out in the future. It is about giving them an incentive to find out about the product themselves.
Source: MCV