Over the past few years, we’ve seen a few examples of teams behaving badly when it comes to eSports, giving off an attitude and vocally taunting their opponents. However, this may not be a sound strategy, as Riot Games has recently pointed out in a video.

In this nearly three-minute clip, Riot Games explains how positivity amongst team members is more productive than resorting to “trash talk.” “Sportsmanlike players win over 1.7 million more games than average players every day,” the narrator explains. When a team doesn’t have to deal with someone that’s “raging” or sporting an attitude, they’re likely to win an average of 54 percent of their games, compared to those that do sport attitude. Their number sits lower, at 46 percent.

The video also stated that there’s “a direct correlation between a team’s behavior and the gold they are capable of earning in a match.” This gold can be earned through killing enemies and taking down turrets, so obviously concentration – more on the game and less on gloating – can go a long way.

League of Legends is available now for PC.

Source: Ars Technica