Virtual reality has officially become a competitive market, with the HTC Vive launching today while the Oculus Rift has been shipping its pre-orders since last week. But understandably, some are still unsure about virtual reality technology and what it can do. Well, Vive’s publishing partner, Valve, has just the solution.

Valve has released a series of videos on its Steam VR website that demonstrate some of the amazing things virtual reality technology can do. These include everything from petting a robotic dog, to turning a room into a star-filled galaxy, or making your way across the Arizona desert while shooting zombies. Additionally, the site showcases all the fantastic features the HTC Vive has to offer, like Roomscale, which can track movements across a 15×15 ft room.

All these games are either available now or are coming to the Steam VR store. The galaxy-based experience, Irrational Exuberance, is free-to-play. Others, like The Blu, can cost $9.99 or more, but they provide enthralling experiences that make exceptional use of the Vive’s technology.

The HTC Vive, priced at $799, comes with a handful of downloadable games that include Fantastic Contraption, Job Simulator and Tilt Brush, but Valve wants consumers to know that there’s a whole world of experiences waiting for them in Steam VR. The store isn’t limited to Vive users, as plenty of games also support the Oculus Rift.