Hot pot of coffee! Who knew that Will Ferrell knew a thing or two about video games

The comedic actor, known for his roles in the Anchorman movies and the Christmas comedy Elf, is taking part in a new Indiegogo campaign, offering his gaming skills in an effort to raise money for Cancer For College and

A goal of $375,000 has been set for the campaign, which will go to both foundations to raise money for cancer survivors. So far, with 31 days to go, the campaign fundraising total has already reached over $28,000.

As with any Indiegogo program, a number of rewards are being offered to those who donate, including a special Will Ferrell’s SuperMegaUVBlastMax batch of sunscreen (for gamers), limited edition “Game Face” t-shirts and hoodies, and autographed water bottles and Xbox 360 controllers.

In addition, those who donate will be selected at random from those who enter to fly to San Francisco, where they’ll pay a visit to the Twitch offices downtown and actually be able to play alongside Ferrell in a session that will be aired live on the streaming channel. Other special guests, including charity sponsors and professional gamers, will be on hand as well. The session will take place on October 26th.

The program should have no problem meeting its goal, and the involvement with Ferrell will no doubt do some good for the charities involved…even if he’s not exactly on the level of “pro gamer.” But, hey, if he can take on Chad Smith in a celebrity drum-off on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell can do anything.

Learn more about the Indiegogo program here. It’s all for a good cause, and let’s be honest, that sunscreen will probably do some good during a gamer’s next session of Destiny.