Core gaming has long been a male dominated field, in both who makes the games and who the games are made for. Brenda Bailey Gershkovitch, CEO of Silicon Sisters Interactive, thinks that the gameing industry has failed its female customer base.

“I think there are different levels to what you can offer,” said Gershkovitch. “What we’ve seen is a fairly superficial offering where, in the absence of truly understanding what women want in terms of game mechanics and connection, what we’re getting is a female wrapper around a game that’s really designed for men. But while that works to some degree it’s not going to, in my estimation, really build the gaming community, and really contribute to that aspirational goal of finding out what it is that women connect with when they game.”

“It took 30 years to really perfect the three things that males seem to really love, which are shooting, and driving, and sports,” she added. “And those are absolutely kick-ass games now, and you really have to sit back and go, ‘What is the equivalent for girls And please God, don’t let it take us 30 years to get to as high a quality level as that.'”
