In the buildup to the PlayStation 4 announcement yesterday, Sony released a series of videos looking back at each previous console. That ignited a stream of nostalgic tweets and the hashtag #Playstationmemory.
The reminiscing started with a tweet by PlayStation Community Moderator Bear Parker in the UK. By yesterday morning it was trending globally.
The Twitter community burst with nods to earlier PlayStation systems, especially the mighty PS2. Even Sony’s now dormant mascot Crash Bandicoot got some love. Organizers at E3 stepped into it, and stepped things up, surfacing footage of the original PlayStation debut at the 1995 expo.
So far it seems Sony’s nostalgia marketing to mark the launch of PS4 is a brilliant move. Fond memories {Twitter content no longer active} have definitely drowned out the snarky gamers and even a few unflattering parody Twitter accounts. It has been a reminder that despite the PS3’s third place finish in this last console generation, Sony did command the lion’s share of time and money from many a console gamer for nearly a decade.
Source ABC News