Apple has dominated mobile revenue the last few years, taking as much as 90 percent of the profits for all mobile hardware, and leading strongly in app revenue as well. While Android hardware sales have surpassed Apple’s hardware, profits have not come close — and revenue from apps has stayed below iOS revenue despite the lead in hardware. Many analysts wondered when Android apps would finally catch up to iOS — but, in fact, Android apps have finally surpassed iOS apps in total revenue.
Business Insider has reported that, according to data provided by Digi-Capital, Android app revenue has actually overtaken iOS app revenue.
Android has been dominant in terms of overall downloads, mainly due to its larger install base (including over one billion Android smartphones shipped last year (versus Apple’s 192.7 million iPhones). However, for the longest time, Apple’s iOS has made more money than Android despite a far smaller number of devices on the market. That is, until now, when Digi-Capital’s research shows that Android has finally taken over the lead in app revenue.
Keep in mind, though, that these revenues aren’t just for the U.S. market, as Digi-Capital has also calculated in earnings from Chinese Android app stores — and with its widely popular offering of games, that’s a pretty huge cash flow. Separately, the two are smaller than iOS’ thriving revenue.
Regardless, Android’s dominance in the mobile field means good news for developers down the road, making Android just as reliable a platform to develop for as iOS.

The chart above breaks down just how much money is made in terms of global app stores revenue, and between iOS, Google Play and Android in China, nearly the entire circle is filled, with only a small amount for the “other” category.
This chart also shows the significance of the Chinese app market, and could push companies to produce their wares specifically for said market — which, as this article shows, is definitely a growing trend. That isn’t stopping Apple from picking up market share in China, though, with its new iPhones setting sales records two quarters running, and a new retail expansion that could lead to even bigger iPhone sales across the country.
And for those wondering about if a profit can be made from Android products, a report from DAU-UP suggests that it’s on the rise, with an average revenue per user that has picked up since 2014. With lower advertising costs, some developers are even capable of making more from Android apps than iOS ones — and that could mean a shift for some companies when it comes to development.
One thing’s for sure — the mobile market has never been hotter, and things will only get more interesting from here.