Over two days, Edward Norton goes through doing karaoke, escaping, plane navigating and high-stakes poker. His Droid phone is right there with him the whole time, staying with him for the full 48-hours.
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Over two days, Edward Norton goes through doing karaoke, escaping, plane navigating and high-stakes poker. His Droid phone is right there with him the whole time, staying with him for the full 48-hours.
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Design, VC, And Business with Frog President Andy Zimmerman
In this 227th episode of “Marketing Today,” I interview Andy Zimmerman, president of Frog, a company…
Read This If You Want People To Remember Your Brand Better
Originally published at AW360 by Katie Lundin. Article Takeaways: Defining brand consistency How consistent branding builds customer…
13 Important Branding Lessons From The Top Four Ecommerce Giants
Originally published at AW360 by Katie Lundin. Simply showing up online with a business website isn’t enough…