The idea of a “teaser” is nothing new with advertising, as most companies, like movie studios, tend to offer some form of “tease” with a forthcoming product or project to entice viewers. However, most recently, the band Coldplay decided to take the idea of a “teaser” to the next level, effectively using Twitter to allow fans to play along.
Back in May, the musical group promoted its newest album Ghost Stories by hiding lyrics for new songs in libraries located across nine different countries. In short, it was along the lines of an “international scavenger hunt,” according to Clickz.
Ironically enough, the lyrics were found by fans in books that contained actual ghost stories. And one was lucky enough to be treated to a ticket to see the band live during a London performance.

So where did Twitter fill in to all this Along with providing the initial clues on its official Twitter page it also enabled users to follow along with progress on the search for lyrics using a hashtag, #lyricshunt.
As a result, the campaign has drawn a “significant new follower growth” for the group, and also effectively reintroduced the idea of a teaser campaign to the social media front, where a new audience can be more receptive to it.
Another effective use of Twitter with a “teaser campaign” came from director Colin Trevorrow, who tweeted teaser images from the forthcoming sequel Jurassic World, which is expected to open next summer. Such images included a leaf-covered road sign from the park, as well as a tribute statue to Dr. Hammond, which was timely following the passing of the actor who played him, Sir Richard Attenborough, earlier this year.

Other companies are dabbling in “teaser campaigns” through social media, and as a result, more and more attention is coming from fans. Don’t be surprised to see it used more often, especially with bigger and better products on the rise in 2015.