As the close of this console cycle nears rapidly, Microsoft has made changes to Xbox Live in a bid to compete with Sony’s PlayStation Plus service. Microsoft is giving away free games every month on Xbox Live, starting with Fable III. Until June 30, Fable III will be available to all Xbox Live Gold members, and on July 1 Assassin’s Creed II and Halo 3 will become available. Two free games will then become available every month afterwards on the 1st and 16th of every month.
Sony’s PlayStation Plus program offers similar incentive with their “Instant Game Library” program, but this new offer from Microsoft offers something Sony doesn’t. In order to play games received on PlayStation Plus, you must remain a PS+ member; if you ever unsubscribe any games received become unplayable. Under Microsoft’s new program, any games downloaded for free are yours to keep forever.
Source: Gamespot