By: Sahil Patel

Hayley Dickson, VP Acquisitions and Development at FremantleMediaHayley Dickson, VP Acquisitions and Development at FremantleMedia

For the next three days, many executives in the TV and digital entertainment industries will gather in South Beach to discuss the challenges and opportunities that they face in creating, distributing, and monetizing their content.

To be fair, a few deals will also be signed — NATPE is as much a marketplace as it is a conference for people to discuss the issues that plague their businesses — but for those interested in the future of video content, NATPE continues to be a must-attend event on the annual calendar.

Before the madness begins, we took a few minutes to sit down with Hayley Dickson, VP of acquisitions and development at FremantleMedia International, and asked her to share her thoughts on where the current TV and digital entertainment market is and what might be in store in the coming months.

Read the interview…

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