Activision recently applied severe cuts to their Guitar Hero business and canceled True Crime: Hong Kong when the game was far along in development, leaving some noticeable gaps in their release schedule. However, rumor has it that a merger with Take-Two might be in order, not unlike what the company did with Blizzard.

“There are very strong rumors amongst people at a very senior level within the global business,” said an anonymous senior executive. “But there’re not much more than that at the moment they are just rumours. And, of course, given Activision’s news this week, everyone is now looking to see what their next move is. But you can definitely put two and two together and make four-ish.”

One of Take-Two’s major shareholders has been said to be prepping the company for acquisition. Many of the larger talents at Rocktstar will see their contracts expire in 2012, it’s worth noting.

Source: MCV