It’s “game over” for the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines. Sega today confirmed the port of Gearbox Software’s Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC shooter is no longer in development.


Aliens was hammered by critics when it debuted in February, with all three versions receiving sub-50 Metacritic averages and even worse average user scores. The Wii U version had been scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2013, but Sega and Demiurge Studios (the developer in charge of porting the game) were quiet on a new release window when it became clear that Colonial Marines would not make it to Wii U in that time frame.

“We are constantly looking at all areas of our business and in this case have made the decision to not continue development of the Wii U version,” a Sega representative told Polygon. “Rest assured that we have some fantastic developments for Wii U in the pipeline which we will announce at a later date.”

As for Demiurge, studio CEO Albert Reed told the site it wasn’t his company’s decision to cancel the project.

“We’re proud of the work we did there and sad the world won’t get to see it,” Reed said. “It’s the game industry and this sort of thing, sadly, happens all the time. We just roll with it and move on.”

Source: Polygon