When it comes to a variety of games and applications to find for mobile devices, there’s no shortage. In fact, there’s something out there for everyone – maybe too much of something, in certain cases.

A report from The Parallax Corporation indicates that as the market grows, it also becomes susceptible to getting overcrowded, to the point that some publishers and developers’ applications can’t even get noticed.

According to the report, for the month of March 2013 in itself, 31,000 new iPhone apps and over 22,000 new Android apps came out in the US, with approximately 18 to 22 percent being games. With that high a count, a number of them went unnoticed, with very little fanfare.

David Garth of The Parallax Corporation writes: “According to the FIKSU Cost Per Loyal User Index, the average cost, for brands who proactively marketed their apps (across all types of app categories, which are generally less expensive than for games), rose from $0.94 in March 2011 to $1.36 in March 2013,which is an increase of 45 percent. The Cost Per Install (CPI or Acquisition Cost Per User, the ACPU) for unpaid installs in the gaming world is currently in the $1 to $8 range.”

To attract attention on the consumer front, most companies need to turn to a larger budget for acquisition and installs. Obviously, smaller companies and developers just can’t afford that. More details are available at the link below.

Source: Gamesbrief